Tuesday 13 May 2014

Life Phase 2 :)

Good Start, Poor Route, Wrong Ending and, giving myself a chance again :)

I respect my previous Hard Work, so all will be under Archives HAHA. No one Knows!

Oh well, Engine Ignited. Let's Start Rolling


Saturday 1 March 2014

DPA PPP 2014

Life's been adventurous and hectic...

Last Day @Mawai Eco Camp
Haiz... All the works from General Education 1 , 2 and Social Innovation Project. I feel the stress and mental torture... The worst has yet to come... But it's okay~ I guess I can do better than that and stay extra positive! ^_^

Funny ah... I said to my friends that Formal Wear makes me study better! Ya, I think it's true because you need to draw the mood (feelings) of being an office man... Unexpectedly, some friends chuckled and challenged me HAHAHA good try :D Maybe I'm the weird one? Better be weird than creepy! (Y)

So, hmmm laptop + notebook + stationary for school... Swee! Life's kindda like high school but got much more freedom! However, it comes with self discipline :3

The River Cruise

Hands in!

Eco Living!

Just Food for survival

Our Adventure

It's a must say thing here! I met Little Miss Bunny and it's really great to have her company going to school and going back home! Really, an interesting interactive session with her while onboard the train~ Hmmm was surprise to hear similarities though LOLOLOL! People say... Appreciate the similarities, Respect the differences! Yup you gotta be that way man~

After all, Life's full of surprises :P I'm looking forward to a more wonderful adventure!

Let's make a quote... Hmmm...

The load that we carry isn't really a Burden!
It's a load that we carry to succeed!
Why give up when you already know something good is coming ahead?


Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Hmm... Prolly I haven't been blogging for quite sometime already....

Anyway, I'm back!

- Resume on 8 Feb!-

Happy CNY!!!!

Monday 20 January 2014

20 January 2014 Baking Day!

20 Jan 2014

Yeap! baking day haha! Sorry, has been super busy throughout the week :(

Yesh! I'm suddenly obsessed with baking OMG. Went to shop for ingredients and all those baking needs OMG... spent more tha $60++ liao...

But anyway, in the long run, I can bake bake and bake :)

Today's recipe was supposed to be Chocolate Cream Puffs... Unfortunately, it didn't turn out as expected. BUT fortunately (ironic), it became a new recipe :P Self inventory!

New Recipe:


Why? cos the puff became a puff cum bread... puffy and hard on the outside, but was soft and  'eggy' on the inside. There isn't any hole for the fillling... so what I did was to put in the filling on one of the 'puff' then cover it with another puff. It is like macaroon but a breaded version :) Taste pretty much like french toast with chocolate milk custard :D

Preparing the puff dough

Preparing the Chocolate Custard filling 

Puff making :) 

To the OVEN!!1

Done :D
Ready to serve! :D

Then guess what? I went to bake cookies! Yeap... add in more Choco Chips and raisins :D

Cookie dough


Finally! ^.^

Yesh! I also learnt how to do homemade icing sugar :D Good for decoration! Yea!

Duration 8 hours 0.0
9am to 5pm

Whole day... GONE...

^.^ satisfied! Lucky never get hook onto my PC


 Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Wednesday 15 January 2014

O level Results

So, O Level results day...

It was basically  mixed feelings. You don't know how well / badly you scored. It can go either way, don't have too high hopes first... Well, I'll suggest that you lower your expectations 2 Hours before the release of results and plan for the worse possible. Be rather open minded and be MENTALLY PREPARED!

I figured out that you need at least... YES... AT LEAST 3 Months of revision (Excluding Weekends) To prepare for O levels. Each day you might really need to SIT Still for at least 8 Hours studying at home + another 4 hours of buffer time. IF YOU DON'T you will confirm panic at the last lap.

The last week before the official start of the papers are the most crucial ones. It's super duper tiring... Just give in your best! :D DO and Do and Do and DO...

Last tip! Keep on writing notes for ALL Subjects. If you wrote the topic before already, re-write and re-write... eg. August I made 1 set of Biology Notes... In September, I'll restart and do another set again so on and so forth.... Put alot of important details and colour into your notes while maintaining simplicity! :D

Semester 1 of 2013

Semester 2 of 2013

O Level 2013 :D
L1R5 13
L1R4 10

YAY! (^0^)

Study hard people :D

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Friday 10 January 2014

CCA Bazaar 7 January 2014

So here's the day when all the CCAs come together to promote their own CCAs to the new YTzens :) Very Competitive ~

My Old Uniform on display!
Photo Credits: Ms Ling

Booth Set up!!!
Photo Credits: Ms Ling

The volunteers who made this a success!
Photo Credits: Ms Ling

So Why NPCC?

Simply because it's affiliated with the Singapore Police Force and it enriches students with Police Military Drills, Police Knowledge as well as Out Field Survival Skills in Camps.

NPCC provides an all-rounded learning experience. From Camp crafting to doing drills, to shooting a .38 or .22 revolver and learning more about the police force as well as law and order!

NPCC also trains and nurture cadets into Cadet Leaders where they are taught how to lead others. Thereafter, some will proceed on to be youth leaders like me! Coming back to the unit, serving as a Cadet Inspector! :D

Lastly, NPCC is a CCA that trains me to become a better person by instilling Mental and Physical training. It embodies the school values and life skills that one ought to have to succeed and survive in such a competitive environment. It creates vibrant and touching memories of friendship, teamwork and all the thick and thins the squad has gone through together!

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Friday 3 January 2014

3 Jan 2013

Ok, today I'm very free... went down to CCA Bazaar meeting :D Ha! Met my old friends: Leona, Gao Wei, Fu Cheng, Mahirah, Leon, Nigel, Viresh and Chu Ting. Great to see them haha!

So yeap, we came up with field cooking experiment!

So imagine you are in the wild, you need fire to cook and keep you warm...Start the fire using tinder, kindling and fuel to keep the fire burning!

Cooking Corn in Margarine and orange egg :D with Sundar, Dara, Jun Xian and Roven...
Just wondering if students and parents dare try our food on 7 JAN 2014 :3

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Thursday 2 January 2014

Kick Off for the New Year, 2014!

So it's 1st Jan when I spent my morning with my family, then afternoon and evening with my D'13 Charlie Squad mates!


We always crave for prata during the weekends an holidays (Most of the time) :D Our favourite prata stall would be the one located near Yishun MRT, coffee shop S11. We tried many different prata stalls in our estate and this is by far, the Crispiest, Freshest, and the best taste of prata! Ha!

Afternoon 2PM... Chiong to East Coast Park! Ha!

Credits to Jing Chuan! :D

With Tan Wei Jun (Our Gathering O/IC) and Jing Chuan (not in picture cos he is our photographer) :D
We were the advance party. Reached there first for preparation ^.^

So the people who came for the Gathering :D D'13 Charlie!

All the selfies for memory... Zev's head Kena Chopped off...

All the selfies for memory...


Honestly speaking, this gathering didn't turn out as well as it has been on our D'13 Investiture ceremony... Quite a few did not manage to join us~ But anyways... Hope that there will still be chances for such meet-ups! :D I've learnt something... friends are one of the closest people around you! They can be fun, irritating, crazy and special. However, it is important that you know that they are doing the right thing. Be lawful! 
These bunch of friends are great to be with :D Good boys and girls :3

Oh, btw, we have Special Guest appearance: our Squad Instructor Rachael Yeak :D HAHA!

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai

Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 Memories #1

Hi People!
East Coast Park
16th B'day :3
Today is 31 December 2013, the last day of the year!

Yeap, I'm counting down to 2014!

Haiz, Life has been tough in 2013! O levels, CIBTC D'13, CLTC'13.... What a life~

Honestly speaking, 2013 was one of the most stressful year I've ever faced. Emotions also start to surface and let me tell you, it's super irritating, confusing and TIRING! O.o

Mr Mark's Chalet Outing
I'm creating this blog as a Goal for 2014:

1) To pen down my memories and thoughts
2) To explore and make full use of the internet resources

To my friends out there, I thank you for your support throughout 2013. It has been really really Really Exhausting :') #2013 #Memories

Continue to support even if we parted ah~

D'13 CIBTC Charlie 

27th Batch NCOs (YTSS)

Vietnam Trip 2013
Vietnam Trip 2013

Signing off,

Lim Yap Kai