Wednesday 15 January 2014

O level Results

So, O Level results day...

It was basically  mixed feelings. You don't know how well / badly you scored. It can go either way, don't have too high hopes first... Well, I'll suggest that you lower your expectations 2 Hours before the release of results and plan for the worse possible. Be rather open minded and be MENTALLY PREPARED!

I figured out that you need at least... YES... AT LEAST 3 Months of revision (Excluding Weekends) To prepare for O levels. Each day you might really need to SIT Still for at least 8 Hours studying at home + another 4 hours of buffer time. IF YOU DON'T you will confirm panic at the last lap.

The last week before the official start of the papers are the most crucial ones. It's super duper tiring... Just give in your best! :D DO and Do and Do and DO...

Last tip! Keep on writing notes for ALL Subjects. If you wrote the topic before already, re-write and re-write... eg. August I made 1 set of Biology Notes... In September, I'll restart and do another set again so on and so forth.... Put alot of important details and colour into your notes while maintaining simplicity! :D

Semester 1 of 2013

Semester 2 of 2013

O Level 2013 :D
L1R5 13
L1R4 10

YAY! (^0^)

Study hard people :D

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai