Thursday, 2 January 2014

Kick Off for the New Year, 2014!

So it's 1st Jan when I spent my morning with my family, then afternoon and evening with my D'13 Charlie Squad mates!


We always crave for prata during the weekends an holidays (Most of the time) :D Our favourite prata stall would be the one located near Yishun MRT, coffee shop S11. We tried many different prata stalls in our estate and this is by far, the Crispiest, Freshest, and the best taste of prata! Ha!

Afternoon 2PM... Chiong to East Coast Park! Ha!

Credits to Jing Chuan! :D

With Tan Wei Jun (Our Gathering O/IC) and Jing Chuan (not in picture cos he is our photographer) :D
We were the advance party. Reached there first for preparation ^.^

So the people who came for the Gathering :D D'13 Charlie!

All the selfies for memory... Zev's head Kena Chopped off...

All the selfies for memory...


Honestly speaking, this gathering didn't turn out as well as it has been on our D'13 Investiture ceremony... Quite a few did not manage to join us~ But anyways... Hope that there will still be chances for such meet-ups! :D I've learnt something... friends are one of the closest people around you! They can be fun, irritating, crazy and special. However, it is important that you know that they are doing the right thing. Be lawful! 
These bunch of friends are great to be with :D Good boys and girls :3

Oh, btw, we have Special Guest appearance: our Squad Instructor Rachael Yeak :D HAHA!

Signing Off,

Lim Yap Kai